SON/CONTEXTE 2018 arises from the desire of creating new contexts for art research within university : what would be the manner, specific to art, to do research? how to place students in the artist true process of experimentation ? How to give access to artistic research and experimentation in itself instead of having access to research reports?
In the frame of a research-creation project funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FRQSC), and in collaboration with Avatar and La Chambre Blanche, I invited the artists Brandon LaBelle (Berlin), Alex Reynolds (Bruxelles – Barcelone) and the collective Jen Reimer & Max Stein (Montreal) to give form to a contextual sound experimentation in collaboration with the students of École d’art (Université Laval) between January 30th and February 2nd 2018 in Quebec City. The political thinker Dalie Giroux (Université d’Ottawa) will accompany the three collective projects with her speech, words and gaze, reaffirming art as an event of the world.
The contextual sound explorations will be presented to the public on Friday, February 2nd. As contextual art requires, the places and exact time of presentation will be confirmed during the week!
Photo: Léna Mill-Reuillard